Blog Prayer Brigade for the Cleaner and Peaceful Election in 2010
Sunday, November 29, 2009 by: JMLoving God , I know that You are always with us especially in the times we're sad or instances we feel sorrow. As you guide us in the right way, we regain the strength that was once lost.We, Filipinos, wholeheartedly believe and praise you.
Back then, democracy in our country was stolen. But with your purpose, many of us believe that democracy will return again in our hands in Your time. With our faith and nationalism, we now regained the lost substance of a good country.
We know that Philippines is still performing poorly. Many are already proven to be corrupt. A lot crimes against you were already committed just to get power. Just a few days ago, a gruesome massacre happened due to political matters. In short, this political violence of killing a lot of people made our country the most dangerous place for journalists.
Merciful God, please give each one of us the wisdom to choose the right leader for the upcoming Presidential Election this coming May 2010. May no one be blinded by money rather awaken all of us to the reality.
I, JMthebest, support the cause of the Blog Prayer Brigade for the election of the Future President of the Republic of the Philippines and I do solemnly promise to recite the prayer, which I wrote, in my own convenient time and regularly as possible until the 2010 Presidential Election commences. Let it be written, let it be done.
The Bloggers I tagged:
adventuresofalionheart , jeypriey , flashhub , freedomwall , oneworldinfo , serenityoverload , Calvin's Hub
To Join the Blog Prayer Brigade, follow and copy the steps below
1. Write a short, sincere and meaningful prayer, (in your own words and according to the customs of your religious affiliation) about asking God in guiding our country and fellowmen in choosing the right candidate to vote for in the coming 2010 Philippine Presidential Elections. It can be in your own vernacular, and can be short and long as you please. Remember, the goal of the prayer is not only for Peaceful Election but most of all “for the guidance of choosing the right Presidential candidate to vote in the election”
2, Publish the prayer for everyone to Read in your blog.
3. Go to the Blog Prayer Brigade Main Page which is located here, and get one of the badges or banners for the brigade. Place the badge or banner in your Sidebar until the 2010 Presidential Elections commence.
4. Make an oath by filling the blank below with your handle/or name
I, _____________________(name) support the cause of the Blog Prayer Brigade for the election of the Future President of the Republic of the Philippines and I do solemnly promise to recite the prayer, which I wrote, in my own convenient time and regularly as possible until the 2010 Presidential Election commences. Let it be written, let it be done.
5. Tag at least 7 Pinoy bloggers you know who haven’t done this before so that the prayer will spread wherever there is a pinoy blogger present.
6. Keep you promise of praying for the Presidential Election so that God may guide us in choosing the right leader for our country.
7. in January 2010, we will gather all the names and prayers of each participants and publish all their prayers in one Blog. We will also feature in the blog the most beautiful prayer ever composed in this project.
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