How to Donate to Haiti Earthquake Victims Through Paypal?

Sunday, January 17, 2010 by: JM

haiti image6091709x  article-1242929-07D9251D000005DC-556_964x640 A group of volunteers carry a body in Puerto Principe, Haiti, 13 January 2010, after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck on 12 January.  EPA/Orlando Barrla
We have heard on the news about the devastating Earthquake in Haiti. This results to injured people and the worst is that death.

A lot of countries are already helping Haiti including Philippines. So how can we donate for the betterment of those victims? Remember that Haiti needs all the help it can get, with food, drinking water, medical supplies and shelter being at the top of the list.

We can easily donate with any amount through Paypal. Paypal with are together in this activity. Paypal is also removing any transaction fees for the donations.

If you want to donate then visit this:


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