Sam Pinto Evicted From the PBB House

Sunday, January 10, 2010 by: JM


Pinoy Big Brother Double Up latest evictee is no other than Samuelle Pinto or more known as Sam in the PBB House. Sad to say, she got the lowest vote making her the evictee for the week and saving Johan and Jason. Jason really got a nice lead in the save and evict votes. This is a proof of the great support by the Melason fans.

Jason – 38.11
Johann – 20.48%
Sam – 18.05%

Jason –  -3.66%
Johann –  -10.29 %
Sam – - 9 .41%

Jason - 34.46%
Johan - 10.19%
Sam - 8.64%

I really like Sam for her looks. As a matter of fact, she’s the most beautiful girl in PBB. I had expected this to happen because (1) Jason will be saved by the Melason fans, (2) Johan’s appeal is greater than that of Sam and (3) Johan is linked to a girl making him a controversy.

It’s not yet an end to Samuelle Pinto. Let’s just wait for the different projects ahead for her.

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