April Fools Pranks! April Fools Day Jokes! April Fools Day Pranks for Work!

Thursday, April 1, 2010 by: JM

april-fool-illusThe most-awaited day is at hand. But do you already have some good pranks/jokes? Well, you have come to the right place. We’ll give you some of the April Fools Day pranks and jokes. Remember that you must be ready to be fooled and always fool someone else. :))


1. Put some glue on their shoes. You’ll see them running after you, I guess.


2. While he/she is sleeping (or even a group of people) , place some baby powder or any thing on their body. Be sure that they’ll not notice it so things will go smoothly. Let’s get it on!


3. Interchange the restroom door sign. Interchange the male with the female. Another is to interchange the “pull” sign and the “push”.




4. Just unplug any appliances he/she is using. At your work, unplug his/her computer and you’ll see him/her wondering why. Viola! :D


5.Get an alarm clock and place it to someone’s room without him/her noticing it. If it alarms loudly, you’ll see him/her in shock.


6. Replace the water in the water cooler with any distasteful liquid.


7. Show your friends the “two girl and one cup girl" video”. Make an alibi first that you’ll show them something amazing.


8. Remove all of his/her clothes and place it somewhere he/she will not found :))


9. Call a friend and disguise as someone.



If you have more pranks then share it here! :D Let’s help each other!

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