Biggest Lego Mario Made

Sunday, October 25, 2009 by: JM


Dirk VH who is a LEGO sculptor has built the world’s biggest LEGO Mario in the world and he is auctioning it off for charity on Ebay.

This Mario is made up of  40,000 bricks. Moreover, it weighs 110 pounds and the height is 6 feet tall. It took one week to plan, and 175 hours over 16 days to build.

How many mushrooms did Mario ate this time? =D

This is really a good thing to have since you’ll have the only one and the biggest Mario made up of bricks. Another reason to buy is that, you’ll also help others since the money will go to charity.

Here are some of the pictures while doing it :

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You may place your bid here (Ebay).
The auction  will last till November 1st.

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